Things we Need to Leave Behind

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end,” a lyric from Semisonic’s Closing Time, reminds me of the nature of change and transformation. We all strive for new things—better jobs, cars, or life circumstances—and often achieve them through hard work. But for these new experiences to truly take root, we must say goodbye to aspects of our past.

The things we leave behind can be tangible, like parting with an old car that once served us well, or intangible, such as a negative self-image or unhelpful habits. While it’s easy to let go of the old car, it’s harder to acknowledge the impact of letting go of deeper, personal elements. Yet, we must recognize that these past things, whether comforting or necessary at the time, no longer serve us.

Our society tends to celebrate the “shiny new thing” without understanding how to grieve what we leave behind. We try to hold onto everything, often leading us to repeat old patterns. However, we can break free from this by deciding what no longer serves us and letting it go. This act of release allows us to shed regret, guilt, and shame—the key barriers to living our most authentic lives.

If you’re ready to walk the path of letting go and embracing the new, I’d love to support you. Visit me at, where I offer coaching, consulting, and facilitation services for individuals and groups. I look forward to hearing from you!

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Unruffled Mind helps high-achieving, independent people to find quiet clarity in their minds and hearts amid confusing and sometimes difficult family, personal, and professional transitions.  We help people to manage stress and anxiety, foster effective communication, and support achieving clear, actionable goals. Our personalized coaching and consulting our clients to manage their time efficiently, build resilience, and unlock their full potential for personal and professional growth. Contact us today for a free consultation, or to simply learn more about Transformational Coaching.